Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who shrunk my pants?

I know I fit into those pants last spring....They must have shrunk in the dryer. Jim probably put them in the dryer(yes my husband does laundry!) Erin made me buy all of those girl scout cookies so she could get a patch and a stuffed frog. Oh, and my friends always provide the endless glass of wine (and cheese to go with it). AND my metabolism is slowing down. I could go on, but....

There really is no one to blame. I am the one who does not fit into those pants I the one who refuses to buy certain sizes; the one that keeps the smaller sizes in the closet because some day I will fit into them again. I choose what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. For those of you who believe it is metabolism - it is not. I even had my thyroid tested multiple times. I must say that the food industry may have a teensy weensy bit to do with those pants, if you don't think so just watch the documentary Food Inc. I digress.

I don't think that blame is a good word either. I have been beating myself up for years about what I eat. I get guilty after indulging in a hot fudge sundae. I make excuses about needing a chocolate fix or a salt fix because of being pre-menstrual only to feel sad after eating. These thoughts and feelings have been destructive and have clearly not helped me in weight loss. Labeling food as either "good" or "bad" just is not right. It is food. There are many people in the world that would do anything for that "bad" food.

So I think the lesson of the day is to enjoy my food. All of my food. Stay present. Take a breath.

Now back to my yummy pizza!

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